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About the Journal

Arsad Journal for Economic and Management Studies (AJEMS) is a scientific, international, refereed and semi-annual journal that appears annually in June and December. AJEMS is a free journal without any submission, processing or publication charges, and it is accessible without any restrictions or payments. It is possible to publish in the journal by sending the article via the journal link in the ASJP platform. AJEMS is published by the Faculty of Economics, Commerce and Management Sciences at the Université 20 Août 1955 Skikda (Algeria) since December 2018.

The journal aims to contribute to the development and dissemination of scientific knowledge, giving priority to quantitative studies and researches in English. The journal covers several research areas: economic development, sustainable development, social responsability, local and rural development, health, poverty, unemployment, labor market, government finance, public administration, international economy, international relations, economic integration, financial globalization, monetary economy, islamic finance, financial markets, corporate finance, industrial economy, management, business, marketing, accounting and auditing, etc; in addition to the behavioral, psychological, social and educational studies and researches that have economic or managerial implications.
The journal targets the community of scientific research, whether from Algeria or outside, such as professors and doctorate students, in addition to the community of professionals from the industry. The subscribtion in the journal is free for all individuals and organizations through sending an electronic request via the icon S'abonner available in the site of the journal at the ASJP platform.

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024)
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