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مقالات العدد
استخدام ادوات التنقيب عن البيانات في قياس مؤشرات الربحية لبنك الامارات الاسلامي خلال الفترة 2010 – 2020 بوهرين فتيحة ص.ص. 1-10 |
الكلمات المفتاحية: أدوات؛ التنقيب عن البيانات؛ بنك إسلامي؛ الربحية
The relationship between Extended Business Reporting Language (XBRL) and electronic accounting disclosure Labreche Ghania / Amara Meriem p.p. 11-30 |
Keywords: Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), Electronic Accounting Disclosure, Financial Reporting
Keywords: insurance; insurance sector; accounting standards; accounting treatments
National and International Effort in Developing Audit Profession Zaouali Amina p.p. 47-58 |
Keywords: Audit profession, Code of Ethics, Auditing Standards, AICPA, IFAC, NCA
Accounting Conservatism in International Accounting Practices Benaziza Khadidja / Lekhchine Abir p.p. 59-74 |
Keywords: Accounting conservatism ; International Financial Reporting Standards ; Sarbanes-Oxley Act ; Financial Accounting System
A Comparative Study Between Solvency II and the Solvency System of Insurance Companies in Algeria Boudraa Mohamed Rafik Antar / Krache Houssem p.p. 75-91 |
Keywords: Insurance companies ; Solvency II ; Algerian solvency system ; Minimum Capital Requirement ; Solvency Capital Requirement